Join Us

Why become a member of the only organisation dedicated to families and individuals affected by HAE in the UK?

  • You will be invited to Patient Days and other member events, to meet other people affected by HAE
  • You will receive regular newsletters from HAE UK
  • You will hear about clinical trials and opportunities to take part
  • You can receive help with school or employment issues
  • You can gain access to our closed (private) HAE community via Facebook
  • HAE UK is a member of HAEi, the International HAE organisation. Members of HAE UK get opportunities for travel grants to attend International events.


It is really helpful to have all of your family members with HAE register with us, including children, as this enables us to gain a clearer picture of how many patients are living in locations around the UK, so we can better support you all.

Our organisation is fully GDPR compliant: We will never pass your information to third parties without your consent, and will not fill your inbox with junk mail! If at any time you wish to cancel your membership, you can do this with a simple e-mail to [email protected]